Mortgage Myth 2

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
Mortgage Myth 2

Welcome to the second episode in our mortgage myths series. Elissa Fesyk once again quizzes Jason Scott, and this time the subject is how mortgage brokers make a living doing what they do.

When Jason gets paid, 99% of the time it is by the lender, not the client. Why do lenders want to work with brokers? Brokers are outsourced lead generators for them; they don’t have to pay salary or benefits. In exchange, they pay based on size and length of mortgage.

What matters to Jason is getting the client approved in a smooth and painless way. From a client’s perspective, Jason’s best interest is to make a great situation for them to keep building his own business. Sadly, there are also shady mortgage brokers out there. Look out for interest rates and do your research before you commit. If in doubt, look to the Real Estate Council of Alberta for advice.

Mortgage Myth 1

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
Mortgage Myth 1

Today’s episode is the first in a short series about busting mortgage myths. Jason is joined by Alyssa Fessick who is turning the tables and asking the questions to Jason.

Who needs a mortgage broker? Is it just people with bad credit that could benefit from a broker’s expertise? Jason says no. Historically, it was more likely for clients to have credit issues, but these days Jason sees a lot more AAA clients. In Jason’s world, an AAA client is someone who can get qualified for lending anywhere.

The question then becomes, where is right for you to borrow? There is more choice and opportunity, and brokers can find you the best fit in a lender. It isn’t an all-or-nothing game and each situation is unique. Jason’s job is to smooth out the wrinkles in the transaction and help to build a relationship.

How Title Insurance Protects Buyers

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
How Title Insurance Protects Buyers

This interview is for informational purposes only and listeners should check the specific wording of the coverages in their title insurance policy.

Our guest today is Erin Crocker B.A., LL.B, M.B.A. Erin is a lawyer and business development manager with Stewart Title. She joins us to discuss what title insurance is and how it can protect buyers.

[0:25] What does Stewart Title do and what is your role in the company?

  • Stewart covers residential and commercial title insurance.
  • I worked in private practice covering residential real estate and conveyance as well as commercial development.

[1:10] What is title insurance?

  • A policy that protects from losses due to specific risks that could adversely affect the interest in real estate.

[1:55] If someone buys a house, what can go wrong that requires title insurance?

  • Commonly it is inability to obtain complete or updated RPRs.
  • Title insurance covers what would be disclosed in those surveys.

[3:06] If you purchase a property and the seller can’t provide an updated RPR, who purchases the Title Insurance?

  • The seller may offer to cover the costs, but it is dependent on the deal structure.

[3:40] Can you give us an example of how Stewart Title has helped someone using Title Insurance?

  • If a buyer doesn’t receive an RPR and down the road finds the property they thought was part of their lot is actually city owned, they could face a loss on the property. Title insurance can compensate for that loss.

[4:36] How much compensation could they receive?

  • It varies case by case and how the issues are resolved, whether it’s negotiating use of property with the city or outright buying it.

[5:25] Is title insurance applicable to condos?

  • Yes, the same survey coverage is included.
  • It covers issues such as unit encroachment on common areas or vice versa and inaccuracies in the Estoppel Certificate.

[8:40] How is Title Insurance helping people during COVID?

  • If the land title office is closed while you are purchasing, there is coverage for a registration gap to cover the time between submitting and processing documents.
  • If a lien is placed against the title in the time between processing, you are covered for that.

[10:56] How else is title insurance being utilized during the pandemic?

  • Legislation changes now allow for documentation to be signed digitally.
  • If property tax documentation is missing, you are covered for outstanding debts against the seller.

[13:44] What is the difference between the title insurance required by lender and owner insurance?

  • The lender policy protects and pays out to the lender, and the owner policy serves the owner.

[14:25] What is the typical cost for a policy?

  • $125 for a lender policy and $50 for owners.

[15:40] Does the price increase with property value?

  • It increases nominally for properties over $500,000.
  • There is no price difference between acreage and city-based policies.

[17:17] If it was identity theft and a mortgage was bought under your name, is that covered?

  • There was a case of a father and son who had the same name. The son sold the property to a friend and they made off with the mortgage proceeds.
  • The father was able to recoup losses through the title insurance.

[20:58] Can you give examples of people thinking they were covered but weren’t?

  • The number one reason claims are denied is that no homeowner policy was purchased.
  • Secondly, risks that are created by or known to the buyer but not disclosed are not covered.

[23:25] If someone adds to their property without acquiring the proper permits then sells 30 years down the line, are the buyers covered?

  • Yes, there is a provision for permits.
  • Claims can only be made if a loss has occurred.

Contact Erin Crocker:


Reverse Mortgage Misconceptions

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
Reverse Mortgage Misconceptions

Our guest today is Elena Russell, BSc, PFP, FMA. Elena is a Business Development Manager with Home Equity Bank in the Edmonton South Region. She is here to talk about Reverse Mortgages and the misconceptions people have about them.

[0:20] What is a Reverse Mortgage?

  • In Canada, a Reverse Mortgage is first charge and you retain ownership.
  • We can lend 55% to maximum value of property and it leaves equity in the home
  • The minimum age to qualify is 55 and typical approval is 25%.

[2:12] Why get a Reverse Mortgage?

  • If you are struggling to make payments and working multiple jobs to keep up, it allows retirement, avoiding of care facilities, and to maintain a certain lifestyle during market lows.

[5:05] What kind of demand are you currently seeing?

  • We are receiving more phone calls and engagement as people are at home due to the pandemic.
  • People are discovering that if they lose their job they can’t qualify with traditional lenders.

[9:06] With a Reverse Mortgage, you can choose to make payments?

  • There are no requirements, but you can make interest payments and are allowed to make 10% payment towards the principle.

[10:40] What impact is the grey divorce rate having on your clientele?

  • There has certainly been an increase. You can utilize a reverse mortgage for spousal buyout.

[12:09] Are you able to put a Reverse Mortgage on a property you are buying?

  • You could potentially blanket both properties if you are keeping your home.

[14:33] What are some of the current reasons people are getting Reverse Mortgages?

  • Due to COVID-19, people are looking at financially helping out their children more.

[15:31] Are there situations that a Reverse Mortgage doesn’t make sense?

  • If the applicant is still working full time, able to make payments and qualifies for a Home Equity Line of Credit.

[16:40] Do you have any final comments?

  • Unlike in the US, in Canada you will not lose ownership of your home and you will never owe more than the property is worth.

Real Estate During Pandemics

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
Real Estate During Pandemics

Our guest today is Ross Storeshenko, one of the partners from Edmonton House Hunters who are with RE/MAX Select. Ross is here to talk about the effect the Covid-19 pandemic is having on his business and real estate as a whole.

[0:39] What impact has the outbreak and lockdown had on your business?

  • Sales are down. We are used to doing more deals around this time.
  • Use of protective clothing, gloves and masks during every day work.
  • There are misconceptions about discounts. There is a disconnect between sellers’ and buyers’ expectations.
  • Fewer new listings on the market.
  • A majority of business is new homes. People don’t want to or can’t afford to sell at this time.
  • Builders are out of work. They need to drop costs in order to make money.
  • Whether or not you will get a discount varies situationally.

[5:10] Is this due to buyers’ perception of risks attached to lived-in homes?

  • Yes, however, it is unlikely to be a genuine risk.
  • The Alberta Real Estate Association has instigated a ‘Buyer hold Harmless’ form to cover liability in case anyone does contract the virus.
  • Sellers are often requesting additional questionnaires regarding health.

[6:18] What is the state of the Edmonton market right now?

  • For the most part, business as usual.
  • The market is still very busy. This is most likely the bottom line that the market can go.
  • Stability depends on how soon people get back to work because employment dictates house prices.
  • Mortgage rates are low, provided you are still employed.

[8:31] What kind of impact do you think there will be in Alberta adding in the factor of dropping oil prices?

  • The two markets are linked but it will take time to see the full effect if any.
  • Realistically, there will be a small drop in prices for a year or two and sellers may have a hard time.
  • You may take a hit selling now but appreciation on bought property will be greater long term.

[11:58] What changes in marketing have you seen?

  • More virtual tours.
  • Making more posts online about listings.
  • Showing fewer properties to reduce potential exposure.

[13:49] What does the future look like post-Covid-19?

  • There will be a pent-up demand. Statistically we could face a boom.

[14:55] How did you get involved with real estate?

  • I’m a third-generation realtor.
  • I began renovating homes at 13 as dad had a business flipping houses.
  • After school I moved into surveying, then onto Daytona Homes where I learned the process from start to finish.
  • I moved into sales and started my own office with my partner Kenny.

[17.15] Have you won any awards?

  • RE/MAX Select reached top 25 in the city last year, our goal is to be top 10 this year and ultimately number one.

[18:04] Do you have areas of specialty in the city?

  • Any areas, but especially sub-areas and acreages that are often overlooked by other realtors.

[19:30] Was there a specific moment you realized realty was for you?

  • It was more being able to help people and realizing I could make a difference.

[21:04] What’s the most frustrating thing in your recent transaction history?

  • People asking for discounts before going through the pre-approval process.

[22.59] What trends have you seen in the last few closings?

  • Longer time is needed for financing as everything is operating slower.

[24:48] What attributes should someone look for in a realtor if they are buying out of province?

  • Integrity, customer care, experience and transparency.

[26:20] Do you have any final thoughts?

  • If you are currently renting, now is the time to seriously consider buying.


Contact Ross Storoshenko
(780) 965-1544

Radon Gas in Alberta Homes

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
Radon Gas in Alberta Homes

Our guests today from RE/MAX Elite are Kelly Dann and Craig Pilgrim. They’re here to talk about the issue of radon gas, which has existed in Alberta for a long time but doesn’t get talked about as extensively as it should.

[0:45] Can you explain what the concern is about?

  • It generally doesn’t pose a problem because it dissipates quite quickly in air, but because of the way we build our homes, radon gas can be concentrated in them.
  • These levels can result in health concerns such as lung cancer.
  • When homes are sealed during winter, there’s more potential for radon gas to build up.
  • It’s second only to smoking as a lung cancer cause.

[4:51] As realtors, what are you doing in terms of educating your clients?

  • We are reaching out to our past clients as far back as six years ago. We’re providing testing for them.

[5:43] Let’s say I’m a buyer. How do I know if a house I’m interested in could have problems with radon gas?

  • The only thing you can do is to have your realtor ask the selling agent if the house has been tested.
  • Health Canada believes that only long-term tests which last at least 90 days are accurate.

[7:11] Has the Real Estate Council of Alberta come out with guidelines for realtors?

  • They have provided bulletins for industry members.
  • They’ve also given us checklists that we can discuss with both buyers and sellers.
  • It’s mandatory to disclose any known defects of a house, but this doesn’t mean that the seller has to do radon testing.
  • We are telling buyers that they need to be aware of radon and how it can affect their health. We tell them they can ask the seller if they’ve done the testing, and if they haven’t, request that they do so.

[11:18] If I’m a buyer and want to buy a house from people who haven’t done radon testing, I can see how it could slow down transactions.

  • We’ve been discussing getting the seller to test, and then when our clients move in, we’ll test the radon pack again. We might have to see if we can do a holdback if the concentration levels come in at a certain amount.

[12:44] If you discover you have a house with radon, how do you solve the problem?

  • The method that we are pursuing is the heat recovery ventilation (HRV) system.
  • They have several additional benefits, such as heating savings.
  • There’s also the slab depressurization system, where piping is installed under the slab and connected to a fan.

[14:48] This is far less of an issue in condos, right?

  • That’s what we thought.
  • Our broker is aware of several condo corporations that are considering the installation of systems to mitigate radon.

[15:53] To put it in context, radon ranks up there with mustard gas as a cancer-causing agent.

  • What’s most disturbing to me is the visual. Particles of radon go into my lung tissue, they continue to deteriorate, and as they deteriorate, they give out blasts of radiation that are stronger than a dental x-ray.

[17:34] Do you have an idea of what percentage of homes in Edmonton might be exposed to this?

  • No idea, because there hasn’t been enough testing yet.

[19:29] Where can people get the tests?

  • Any hardware store, and they cost around $30-$50. The price includes getting them sent off to be examined.

Craig Pilgrim, Associate Broker

Kelly Dann, Associate Broker


Plumbing Knowledge for Buying a Home in Edmonton

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
Plumbing Knowledge for Buying a Home in Edmonton

Kevin Korte, owner of Edmonton-based Butler Plumbing, is our guest in this episode. Progressing through his plumbing apprenticeship, Kevin was a journeyman for three years before deciding to start his own business. Now 15 years in business, he shares some worthwhile plumbing and heating tips!

[1:27] What are some common issues you get called for after someone has bought a home?

  • A lot of them will come down to the main sewer drain. We have to go in, auger it out, and clear it.
  • It’s important to look at the drain when buying a house. Some house inspectors can do this, but usually, it’s better to have a plumber check it out.
  • Houses in Edmonton built in the 50s sometimes use interesting material in their drainage lines. These pipes can collapse over time.
  • We also get a lot of calls to repair fixtures and faucets.
  • We do a lot of water softening as well. The water in our area is very hard, and that can really decrease the life of your hot water tank.

[8:07] Is there any preventative maintenance to make the tank last longer?

  • Starting with a new tank, flushing the drain periodically at the bottom can help get some of the scale out.
  • One of the biggest things for maintenance is keeping the air intake clean.

[10:30] I would imagine that one major call you get is related to back flow valves. If the city has issues, things can start backing up in someone’s basement.

  • Any plumbing fixture below street level needs to have protection.
  • It can be expensive depending on where the valve needs to go. It always involves breaking concrete.

[12:41] If I’m buying a house, are there types of pipes that I should be cautious about?

  • Poly-B. It’s grey and pretty noticeable.
  • We’ve seen some houses with Poly-B and no issues. However, if you’re buying a house with it, budget having to change it out just in case.
  • Another big thing is water damage that can be out of sight, like behind walls, caused by damaged weeping tiles.

[18:20] What are some of the horror stories you’ve worked on lately?

  • The most common horror story is a renovation that wasn’t done properly.
  • I feel bad for people who buy a house not knowing it wasn’t put together properly. One thing leads to the next.
  • The best advice is to ask if a permit was done. If there wasn’t, I’d be asking a lot of questions.

[20:21] Is there anything we should talk about that I haven’t mentioned?

  • Another big part of our business is boiler or hydronic systems.
  • A lot of the time, home inspectors don’t have a lot of experience with these. We can do a separate inspection for them.
  • Without doing annual boiler maintenance, there’s a potential for carbon monoxide. Replacement costs can also get crazy.

[22:39] What do people need to be aware of when buying acreage properties?

  • You might have a few extra components, but they’re usually pretty straightforward.
  • Maintenance is important here too.

[25:37] Are there any things to be aware of when it comes to condos?

  • You need to get approval from your board if you’re doing a renovation beyond the paint on the walls.
  • The type of piping you need to use in a high rise is not the typical piping you find in a hardware store.

[27:40] How would you go about selecting a plumber?

  • Word of mouth. Everybody knows someone who had to use a plumber at some point.
  • Having both great service and huge knowledge can be hard to find.

Kevin Korte 
4260 93rd Street,
Edmonton, AB T6E 5P5, Canada
p: 780-432-3947 c: 780-994-7562

027: John Braconnier of Professional Realty Group

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
027: John Braconnier of Professional Realty Group

Today’s guest is John Braconnier from Professional Real Estate Group. He is relatively new to real estate, beginning his career about two and a half years ago. In that time, he has developed a database of around fourteen hundred people and is now beginning to get referrals.

[0:57] What industry did you come from originally?

  • Like most Albertans, I worked in the oil and gas business.
  • It let me see the explosive real estate growth in Fort McMurray, which really piqued my interest.
  • When I helped my first client, the feeling let me know that real estate was for me.

[4:03] Are there any areas of Edmonton or the surrounding area that you specialize in?

  • I specialize in Sherwood Park and have been building up most of my client base there.
  • Every month, I publish a report about the area called Sherwood Park Homes & Lifestyles.

[5:09] What’s going on in Sherwood Park these days?

  • We technically have been in a seller’s market. We started with six to seven months of inventory at the beginning of this year, but it quickly turned.
  • Starting in April, we dropped down to 2.4 months of inventory.
  • The market is not doing well on acreages. It’s because of the aging market and the young people who see that it’s too much work.

[8:26] What are seniors looking for in their new properties?

  • They’re going from bigger houses to bungalows around twelve hundred square feet. They want features like granite countertops in these houses.
  • They’re also looking for condo-like apartments.
  • Some clients are looking for secondary suites to supplement their pension.

[13:38] What do you see going on in the condo market right now?

  • The developers have been building a lot of new condo-style apartments, but they haven’t been selling. The prices are down and they’re turning them into rentals.
  • Professional Real Estate Group has seen vacancy rates decreasing.
  • The rental market tends to strengthen in economic downturns.
  • It’s a great opportunity for millennials and seniors to get some secondary income.
  • Alberta has a cyclical economy, and when it comes back, it comes back strong.

[17:00] If you look back at your last ten transactions, what other trends have you seen?

  • A lot of people that immigrated to Canada in the last five years or so are ready to buy.
  • I’ve worked with a number of first-time homeowners. They know what they want, and they generally move in within a month.
  • I take my time to lead them through the process because they are usually unfamiliar with it.

[20:10] If you had a family member moving to another part of the country, what qualities should they look for in a realtor?

  • You want to find someone that takes the time to develop a relationship with you and listens to what your needs are.
  • We’re problem solvers. We need to find out the obstacle in front of the client and then remove it for them.
  • The realtor shouldn’t apply pressure. Just be empathetic and enjoy the experience. It’s our job to educate them about the market.
  • I ask my clients to rate houses we’ve looked at, and then focus on homes in the same category as ones they rated above eight.

[22:38] Are there any other comments that you have?

  • It’s a tough go for a lot of realtors out there now. My suggestion is to get involved with new tools and technologies.
  • Treat customers like gold and develop a relationship.

John Braconnier
Realtor®, Professional Realty Group

Sherwood Park Homes & Lifestyles:

026: Skip the Listing Process with Sweetly

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
026: Skip the Listing Process with Sweetly

Today’s guest is Aidan Woodfine of Sweetly Real Estate. Originally from Camrose, he moved to Edmonton when he was about twelve-years-old and has been a realtor for six years. A former poker player, Aidan got into real estate when he realized he needed a new career path.

[2:33] Are there any parallels between poker and real estate?

  • Poker is about seeking value. When you’re working with clients in real estate, you need to provide and seek value in similar ways.
  • In poker, you’re always trying to think about what the other person is doing based on their tendencies. It’s similar to thinking about why clients are making certain decisions.

[5:38] What have you been seeing in the market lately?

  • It’s been slow, and the condo market has been hit the hardest because there’s a lot of inventory.

[6:39] Tell me about the new approach you’re taking towards real estate with Sweetly.

  • We launched Sweetly with the idea of modelling it after the iBuyers in the US.
  • These are websites that allow you to enter your property’s info and receive an offer within twenty-four hours.
  • If you go to our website, you’ll be provided with an offer within twenty-four hours as well. We look at comparables and then send the offer, but another option is to request a private evaluation.

[9:12] Why would a seller want to do this?

  • Our offer is good for ninety days, so they can pick their own closing date.
  • Another huge benefit is that there’s no showings with people going through your home.

[10:48] Where does Sweetly make money in this process?

  • We charge a service fee of 5.5%.
  • We’ll pay 80% market value upfront, and our fee is deducted from the final sale price.

[13:07] What traction have you been getting so far?

  • Seniors especially have been very positive about our model.
  • We’re focusing on homes between $280,000 and $500,000, but we’ve made a few exceptions.
  • If a client doesn’t want to go with the Simply model, we can still take care of them as a traditional realtor.
  • We’ve worked with a few clients where they’ve already bought their next home but haven’t been able to sell their current one.

[15:57] How do you make sure you get top dollar for that original seller?

  • We’ve had discrepancies between what the seller thinks it’s worth and what we think it’s worth. We’ve given them the 80% based on our evaluation, but list it for what they think it’s worth.

[18:52] What is the difference between what Sweetly can bring to that table versus what you have been doing for the past six years?

  • We can do a lot more. It feels really good that I can go into a presentation and provide a solution for people that didn’t have one before.
  • There’s a learning curve, but once they get it, they wonder why every real estate agent doesn’t offer this.

[19:41] What is some of the best real estate advice you’ve ever received?

  • I recently heard “only work with the willing,” and that stuck with me.

[20:53] Have there been any themes with your last few transactions?

  • They’ve been a bit more gruelling. I’m finding that buyers are expecting the world, but sellers are not accommodating to that because their prices have slipped.

[22:16] What should people be looking for in a realtor?

  • Having a few years of experience is pretty important. Picking a realtor with good reviews and that understands the market is important as well.


#227, 6005 Gateway Blvd NW
Edmonton, AB
T6H 2H3




025: Team Ewanchuk

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I Love Edmonton Real Estate
025: Team Ewanchuk

Glenn and Angie Ewanchuk are welcomed to the podcast today. They are husband-and-wife realtors with RE/MAX Excellence right here in Edmonton, with over twenty years of combined experience.

[0:59] How does your business work as a husband and wife team?

  • It works quite well because we can split up the duties. Glenn is responsible for the face-to-face, while Angie does the searching, paperwork, and setting up client meetings.

[1:57] What trends in Edmonton have you been seeing these days?

  • The market has been a bit slow, but it’s increasing now because it’s spring.
  • The stress test for mortgages has been putting stress on buyers.
  • There are a lot of substandard properties being listed for sale, but the buyers are expecting more, so it makes it’s more difficult to find something they like.
  • Some buyers come into a home thinking they can lowball because they’ve been told it’s a buyer’s market, but that’s not always the case.

[7:30] You mentioned that the worst thing you can do is start at a higher list price and then drop it. Why is that?

  • Every property that gets listed has an MLS history. People can go in and see that the price kept getting reduced, and they will think that the seller is getting desperate.
  • If the property is overpriced, it will become stale on the market.

[11:06] How did you end up becoming realtors?

  • We had an automotive accessory business for sixteen years prior to becoming real estate agents.
  • When we bought our own house, our real estate agent was a regular client at our business.
  • He convinced Angie to go to real estate school and work for him.
  • Later, we were approached to sell the business, so that was our chance to sell and for Glenn to get into real estate.

[14:05] Was there a particular instance that made you think “this is why I want to be a realtor?”

  • When searching for a new home, we ended up losing a few because agents wouldn’t listen our needs. We realized that the only way we were going to get the property of our dreams was to represent ourselves.
  • With our clients, we listen to them very carefully. When we view a property with them, we look for all the reasons that they shouldn’t buy.

[17:08] Do you have a special approach with first-time buyers?

  • We really enjoy first-time buyers because we have a great system that we use every single time.
  • We meet them in a casual setting and continue to educate them along the way.
  • They tell us their wishes and we begin searching.

[19:37] What’s the most frustrating day you’ve had in real estate?

  • Glenn was working with a young couple for about two months. We finally came across a house that was perfect for them.
  • Their parents came to view the house and did not like it. They said there was no way that the young couple were buying it.
  • It’s okay for parents to view houses, but they should be viewing all of them from the beginning.

[24:38] What advice would you give someone to determine if they were working with a good agent?

  • They have to be accessible at all times.
  • It’s a good idea to question them on their experience and background.
  • In this day and age, everyone should be checking out their agents on things like Google Reviews.

Visit Team Ewanchuk Real Estate online: