Jason Scott talks with Bob Moshansky. Bob is a real estate agent at Homes & Gardens Real Estate Ltd. in Edmonton. Bob’s been a realtor in Edmonton for 40 years, and recently inducted into the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.
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Bob sees a mix of displaced Ft. McMurray residents and contractors coming and staying in Edmonton. Given that Edmonton is in a buyer’s market, that will help the pace of sales. Even in this down market, house values aren’t diminishing significantly due to the low demand in some categories.
Bob’s Key to Success: Listen
Why should you use a realtor?
- they’re your negotiator
- up to date on rules and regulations
- access to market statistics
- wide network of contacts across the industry
Contact Bob Moshansky
- Phone: 780-436-1162
- Mobile: 780-498-6910
- Email: robertmoshansky@shaw.ca
- Bob at Homes & Gardens Real Estate