Jason Scott talks with Gerhardt Klann about his life as an appraiser and how an appraiser can help you sell your home.
[smart_track_player url=”https://iloveedmontonrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ilre-edmonton-011.mp3″ title=”Appraiser Gerhardt Klann on How to Make Your Home Stand Out Above the Rest” artist=”Jason Scott – I Love Edmonton Real Estate” image=””]
Gerhardt Klann, a former world-class biathlete, is the owner and operator of Northern Lights Real Estate Appraisals. Gerhardt has his DAR, DAC, DRP and Certified Appraisal Reviewer Designations from the Canadian National Association of Real Estate Appraisers (CNAREA) and is licensed by the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA). He was recognized as CNAREA’s Appraiser of the Year (for all of Canada) in 2016 and has completed over 7,500 appraisals.
Jason and Gerhardt talk about the current state of real estate in Edmonton, how he became an appraiser, and what to look for in a good appraiser.
Key Points & Questions
- [0:35] How did you become and appraiser?
- [1:20] How does someone become and appraiser? And what does a typical day look like?
- [3:25] What sort of scenarios are you called in for?
- [3:40] An appraisal is a document that can be used in court.
- [5:28] 5% is an acceptable margin of error in the event you get 2 appraisals done.
- [7:50] How does the municipal tax assessment effect your job?
- [10:30] The current status of real estate in Edmonton.
- [12:50] Edmonton should expect some negative news for the first part of the year.
- [14:50] It’s a good time to buy if you’re thinking of investing.
- [15:35] How do you deal with competing interests?
- [18:40] Do you get different pressures when refinancing?
- [19:10] Appraisers are supposed to be un-biased.
- [20:36] What are some of the more interesting things you’ve seen over the course of your career?
- [23:53] Where are you licensed to work?
- [24:15] What should you be looking for in a good appraiser?
- [25:28] What’s the typical cost of an appraisal?
- [26:40] What does the lender own the appraisal?
- [29:55] Visit Northern Lights Appraisals to get access to our monthly newsletter.
- [31:05] How does a CMA compare to an appraisal?
- Web: northernlightsappraisals.ca
- Phone: 1.780.757.2060
- Email: info@northernlightsappraisals.ca